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One of the most anticipated releases of the year is, at least for us bastards, is Oliver Hohlbrugger´s sophomore album - ‘Nothing’s Changed Everything Is New’.  The album is to be released, digitally and on vinyl, on friday April 19 and we are privileged to be amongst the first ones to be exposed to this masterpiece live, on saturday April 20.

The first two singles of the upcoming album have been released, with particularly the latest one `Velveteen` racking up great reviews and both national and international recognition. 

Hear! Hear:

"The new single from Norwegian singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer Oliver Hohlbrugger is infused with an über cool panache that just oozes a sixties, studied, Rayban-framed world.

Accompanied by an enigmatic monochrome video with only the most subtle movements, Hohlbrugger’s vocals have a deep resonance that echoes Bowie at times and Lou Reed at others over a jangling, fuzzy guitar with hints of horns in the distance. But despite the obvious genetics encoded in the music, Hohlbrugger has his own unique style and delivery that stands out and thrills."

Backseat Mafia

"Oliver daller ikke rundt når han skriver og komponerer, og denne gang er han som oss andre oppgitt over en verden som har gått av hengslene, og serverer en låt om "å danse på langstilkede roser på kanten av et stup, og et brennende ønske om å bli født på ny som et tre". Låten krydres av blåsere spilt inn i New York, av ei blåserrekke som har gjort jobben for storheter som Talking Heads, Beyonce og Prince. Ja, så kom Pål Jackman ruslende inn i studioet for å legge på kor, noe som naturligvis ble helt strøkent. I tillegg til at han hanket inn en tilfeldig, lokal bartender (Andrea Assmoe) for å shake litt på en tamburin. Resultatet? Den tungt Velvet Undergound-infiserte "Velveteen", som selvsagt oser litt Bowie, som det meste fra Hohlbrugger."

The Wilhelmsens

"If you were looking for a song that sounded like a lost Velvet Underground track performed by the Hives then you've found it but you should maybe relax your parameters a little in the future you picky sod. Oliver Hohlbrugger has teamed up with Pal Jackman to create 'Velveteen' that fizzes and pops with energy, creativity and sexuality but sounds like the Travelling Wilburys if the line up had been Lou Reed, David Bowie, Mick Ronson, Iggy Pop and Ian Durie. And they'd recorded exclusively in Scandinavia. "

Listen with Monger

Better not miss out on this one!

Concert : 22.00




    kr 270,00
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